Remote Computer Support

Looking for remote computer service in NYC?  Then look no further. Choosing us, you are choosing a company with years of experience, qualifications expertise, and superior customer service.

When you experiencing issues with your computer, troubleshooting the problem by yourself may look the fastest and easier solution, but not all the time is. A virus infection can spread faster when the computer is not cleaned on time, a hard drive failure can propagate if you restart the pc over and over, resulting in greater damages and lost of data, also the time that you spend troubleshooting the issues by yourself can be waste of time if you cannot figure it out, so let our remote computer technicians help you save time and money.

MacPcNY remote computer support service in NYC is fast and reliable and simply involves installing a special program onto your PC or MAC. It will grant our technician access to your PC or MAC from a remote location.  It is safe and secure as you will be able to authorize access when you need it and only then. Each remote session is password protected, password that change each time you need us to connect on your device, so you will have complete control over who is permitted to access your computer and when. When you initiate the remote computer service support, a secure connection will be established, but after the  connection ends, we will not be able to access your computer until you don’t allow us again.

The advantages in using remote computer support service NYC are that you will not have to take your computer to a computer repair shop in NY, you will be able to keep your computer with you at all times and since fixing your PC or Mac is done remotely, that gives you more freedom to choose the best time to have your computer repaired.

Our remote computer service in New York can help you fix the following problems: Virus & Malware Removal; Computer, Network & Email Setup; Devices, Drivers & Software Installations; Data Transfer; PC Tune Up.

So if you need PC or Mac repairs or you are concerned that your desktop or laptop is running slow or at a less than perfect level, MacPcNy can diagnose your system, detect the  errors, and fix it remotely saving you time and money.

Out team can help with general setup of your computer, devices or email, recover a lost or deleted file or we can show you how to maintain your computer up and running like it was the first time you buy it.

To benefit from our remote computer support service in NY, you just need that your  MAC or PC to be turned on, and a valid internet connection. We use SSL (secure sockets layer) which keeps you and your computer safe.